Martin Gregor
Martin Gregor, Ph.D.
Martin Gregor, Ph.D.
Address:  Institute of Molecular Genetics
of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Vídeňská 1083
142 20 Prague 4, Czech Republic
Phone:+420 241 063 461


Born:  December 30, 1971
Education: 2002 Ph.D. (Faculty of Sciences, Charles University)
1997 RNDr (Faculty of Sciences, Charles University)
1996 M.Sc. (Faculty of Sciences, Charles University)

Research Experience

2015-presentGroup leader. Laboratory of Integrative Biology, Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague/BIOCEV.
2012-presentProject leader. Physiology and Pathophysiology of Digestive Epithelia, Functional Genomics Program, BIOCEV
2011-2014Research Associate. Laboratory of Transgenic Models of Diseases, Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague.
2003-2010Assistant Professor/Research Associate. Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Max F. Perutz Laboratories, University of Vienna, Wien.
2002-2003Assistant Professor. Faculty of Science, Deparment of Physiology and Developmental Biology, Charles University, Prague.

Professional Affiliations

  • Czech Physiological Society
  • American Society for Cell Biology

    Selected Publications

    • Song J.-G., Kostan J., Drepper F., Knapp B., de Almeida Ribeiro Jr E., Konarev P.V., Grishkovskaya I., Wiche G., Gregor M.*, Svergun D.I., Warscheid B., Djinović-Carugo K.: Structural insights into Ca2+/calmodulin regulation of plectin 1a - integrin β4 interaction in hemidesmosomes. Structure, [Accepted], 2015.
    • Gregor M.*, Osmanagic-Myers S.*, Burgstaller G., Wolfram M., Fischer I., Walko G., Resch G.P., Jörgl A., Herrmann H., Wiche G.: Mechanosensing through focal adhesion-anchored intermediate filaments. FASEB J., 28:715-29, 2014.
    • Buryova H., Chalupsky K., Zbodakova O., Kanchev I., Jirouskova M., Gregor M., Sedlacek R.: Liver protective effect of ursodeoxycholic acid includes regulation of ADAM17 activity. BMC Gastroenterol., 13:155, 2013.
    • Jirouskova M., Zbodakova O., Gregor M., Chalupsky K., Sarnova L., Hajduch M., Ehrmann J., Jirkovska M., Sedlacek R.: Hepatoprotective Effect of MMP-19 Deficiency in a Mouse Model of Chronic Liver Fibrosis. PLoS One, 7: e46271, 2012.
    • Burgstaller G.*, Gregor M.*, Winter L., Wiche G.: Keeping the vimentin network under control: cell–matrix adhesion-associated plectin 1f affects cell shape and polarity of fibroblasts. Mol. Biol. Cell, 21: 3362–3375, 2010.
    • Kostan J., Gregor M., Walko G., Wiche G.: Plectin isoform-dependent regulation of keratin–integrin α6β4 anchorage via Ca2+/calmodulin. J. Biol. Chem., 284: 18525-18536, 2009.
    • Na S., Chowdhury F., Tay B., Ouyang M., Gregor M., Wang Y., Wiche G., Wang N.: Plectin contributes to mechanical properties of living cells. Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol., 296: C868-C877, 2009.
    • Spurny R.*, Gregor M.*, Castañón M.J., Wiche G.: Plectin deficiency affects precursor formation and dynamics of vimentin networks. Exp. Cell Res. 314: 3570-3580, 2008.
    • Osmanagic-Myers S.*, Gregor M.*, Walko G.*, Burgstaller G., Reipert S., Wiche G.: Plectin-controlled keratin cytoarchitecture affects MAP kinases involved in cellular stress response and migration. J. Cell Biol. 174: 557-68, 2006.
    • Gregor M.*, Zeöld A.*, Oehler S., Andrä-Marobela K., Fuchs P., Weigel G., Hardie D.G., Wiche G.: Plectin scaffolds recruit energy-controlling AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in differentiated myofibers. J. Cell Sci. 119: 1864-75, 2006.
    • Tian R., Gregor M., Wiche G., Goldman J.E.: Plectin regulates the organization of GFAP in Alexander Disease. Am. J. Pathol. 168: 888-97, 2006.


    *equally contributed authors


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